There is an ancient Chinese medicine that can help you detox your body through your feet. According to the Chinese system of reflexology, feet have natural energy zones
About 10 million Americans are affected by fibromyalgia. It is a very common condition. There are even people who have it but aren’t aware of its presence. There
Many new mothers have questions about menstruation and breastfeeding. What is “normal?” The answer: Just about anything. Have you heard different experiences and stories when it comes to
Shaving one’s pubic hair is as common as they come. Some do for clean sexual intercourse, some because they don’t like body hair. It is after all, their
Rosmarinus among the people is known as Rosemary. It is a woody herb with fragrant, evergreen with needle like leaves and flowers in white, pink, blue or purple colors.
Hair loss and brittle nails can both be found in people who are suffering from alopecia, a medical condition that affects more than 100 million men and women